Productos principales:Máquina emulsionante al vacío, máquina para hacer gel crema, máquina mezcladora, tanque de almacenamiento, máquina de llenado
N.° de clasificación1 entrega a tiempo en Equipos de producción de cosméticosCompetitive OEM factoryAnnual export US $2,397,051Years in industry(15)Full customization
Thank Dora's nice follow up, we received yesterday. Looks great! A metal engineer next door came over to look and says it is very high quality and excellent finish on welding. I think there may be more orders in the future! For now, we will setup this week.Great big thank you and please give all the engineers that made the tank a job well done - excellent work!
Very nice machine, mixing and homogenizing product in vacuum position, not have any bubbles, finished product looks very shinny, we love this machine, thanks!